Just thought I'd let you all know about an interesting event that has occurred over on the official SF3 Discord. Brian Linton (Linternet) the original project leader of the FAN made Starflight 3 - Mysteries of the Universe project in the early 2000s (who got the project closer to a complete game then any of the rebuilds that followed) has expressed regret over his part in the failure all those years ago and has declared a strong interest in bringing the old project back to life (but probably under a different name since we've got an official SF3 in the making these days). I know what you're all thinking as we've had 20 years of false promises on that fan project so if anyone posts negative comments on this I won't hold it against you lol. As for me I will wish them luck, offer any old project files they need and watch with interest. If you once worked on the SF3 fan project with Brian or in one of the later teams you may wish to get in touch with him over on the official SF3 Discord.
Copy of Brian's announcement:
Linternet — 19/02/2021
So. My failure to complete the Starflight 3 project way back in the early 00’s has been bothering me for about 17 years now. I failed both the amazingly talented people who worked super hard on it and the Starflight community.
I am SUPER glad that Greg Johnson and the epic team at Humanature have continued to show interest and I look forward to one day seeing a complete Starflight 3!
I, however, am going to make up for my failure in the best way I can by making a Starflight fan game unless Humanature and/or Rod McConnell have an issue with it (In which case it will be an original game influenced strongly by Starflight.
I will share more details in the fan-games-and-mods section in the coming days, but I learned a lot from my original run on the project and have twelve years of game industry experience since then to draw from. I’ll earn back the trust of this community by delivering.
The reason I’m posting here now is that while I have not yet found my old files I’d like to use as many assets from there as possible. However, since people donated their work to “The Starflight 3 Project” which no longer exists (and Starflight 3 is now in the right hands) I will not use any assets without explicit permission from those who created them.
So if you’re on this chat and you worked on The Starflight 3 project from 1997-2005 please send me a direct message here.
New Project! Arth's Ark: The Flux Voyagers Project (SF3 Resurrection)
New Project! Arth's Ark: The Flux Voyagers Project (SF3 Resurrection)

Blake's Sanctum - Starflight Series: fan page containing pics, vids, info, walkthroughs, & fan games!
Re: New Project! Arth's Ark: The Flux Voyagers Project (SF3 Resurrection)
Update over on the SF Discord from Brian on his project resurrecting the old dead SF3 fan project. HumaNature asked him to change the name (since they've got their own SF3 official game in the making) so he's gone with Arth's Ark: The Flux Voyagers Project and it looks like he's followed the advice many fans gave on doing it opensource on github.
Copy of Brian's update:
Linternet — 10/03/2021
Hey everyone, I wanted to post an update on my fan game.
I am working on it daily. The lack of content is basically because I normally would not have announced before tangible progress was made but I wanted to reach out to the community early for asset permission. I have gotten a fantastic response so far (major shout out to deus on this board for giving me permission to use his assets along with lots of contacts from old team members)
I have also been working with the amazingly talented Matt Fossa and we came up with a working title:
Arth's Ark: The Flux Voyagers Project
I'll also share a couple of changes I'm making from my last effort:
1. The game will be developed openly, on github.
2. Releases will happen frequently (my goal is every month starting in April) Every release will be a playable game. Meaning it will have a beginning, end and a way to win or lose. At some point in the future a release will be marked "gold" which will be the official complete game (future work at that point would be considered an expansion or a sequel)
The first few releases will be REALLY bad (and likely have lousy excuses for why entire engines are missing) but the point of this is that after several releases there should be a satisfying (though initially short) Starflight experience that gets built on and expanded. And that means that within months there will be a Starflight game available so if work stops before "gold" is declared for any reason there will at least be something in place (as opposed to of *putting 5 years into engine work with no game to show for it).
Copy of Brian's update:
Linternet — 10/03/2021
Hey everyone, I wanted to post an update on my fan game.
I am working on it daily. The lack of content is basically because I normally would not have announced before tangible progress was made but I wanted to reach out to the community early for asset permission. I have gotten a fantastic response so far (major shout out to deus on this board for giving me permission to use his assets along with lots of contacts from old team members)
I have also been working with the amazingly talented Matt Fossa and we came up with a working title:
Arth's Ark: The Flux Voyagers Project
I'll also share a couple of changes I'm making from my last effort:
1. The game will be developed openly, on github.
2. Releases will happen frequently (my goal is every month starting in April) Every release will be a playable game. Meaning it will have a beginning, end and a way to win or lose. At some point in the future a release will be marked "gold" which will be the official complete game (future work at that point would be considered an expansion or a sequel)
The first few releases will be REALLY bad (and likely have lousy excuses for why entire engines are missing) but the point of this is that after several releases there should be a satisfying (though initially short) Starflight experience that gets built on and expanded. And that means that within months there will be a Starflight game available so if work stops before "gold" is declared for any reason there will at least be something in place (as opposed to of *putting 5 years into engine work with no game to show for it).

Blake's Sanctum - Starflight Series: fan page containing pics, vids, info, walkthroughs, & fan games!
Re: New Project! Arth's Ark: The Flux Voyagers Project (SF3 Resurrection)
Brian has released a early video of his work so far on his Flux Voyages Starflight fan game.

Blake's Sanctum - Starflight Series: fan page containing pics, vids, info, walkthroughs, & fan games!