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Hints and locations

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 9:44 pm
by erlhantos
How to make money fast

When they send you Islay to do a scan, go down to the planet and collect some endurium, keep only the most expensive metals, you only have one cargo pod. You should have more than enough endurium to get back to star port with no problem.
When you go to the planet Ildatach to capture the creature, you will run into a Humming Stone what’s nice about that one is 1st you don’t have to fight it or chase it, looks like a stone (mineral), 2nd they are worth 1,000 mu’s apiece so five of them gives you a nice 5 grand.
I decided not to leave the home world system until I have the best of everything that my profession allows, in the first try I got slaughtered in the first encounter. The thing is that all the minerals and creatures re-spawn each time you leave the planet, so you can keep going back and grabbing stuff then selling it and purchasing equipment.

Some locations in the system Arth:

Lough Leane (asteroid) – 122N x 115W abandoned pirate base. No life forms on planet. Repair minerals - Aluminum. The coordinates they give are wrong instead of adding 20 to the numbers subtract 20.

Islay – Abandoned monolith 37S x 15W. No life forms on planet. Repair Minerals - Cobalt

Dilell 95N x 25E ruins, rod Device. Not much for repair minerals

Aran 129S x 61E Nid Bery Statue. Slight damage to Hull when landing. No repair minerals, plenty of life forms and minerals.

Ildatach 11S x 15E Ruin with what looks like a huge Satellite Dish. Repair Minerals - Titanium

Senlabor – Repair Minerals – Cobalt

Hillaloe – No life forms. Repair Minerals – Cobalt, Molybdenum.

After you do all the training missions up to the Hypercube one, visit all the planets with no life forms so as not to lose your cargo pod. As you gather money from selling the minerals first thing to do is to max out your cargo pods capabilities or have 16 of them, this will give you a lot more room to bring stuff back to sell. Next thing is to get your engine to its best class available for the profession, then just go down the line for upgrading your ship make sure you always have at least 3,000Mu’s on hand in case you lose your cargo pod to some vicious life form. The two Gas Giants you cannot land on them, since you would not survive.

So far this is what I have found in the home planet system of Arth. Once I start exploring the other systems nearby I will post more files with important info as to location of ruins, repair minerals available and any other info that will help you survive.

Re: Hints and locations

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 4:13 am
by erlhantos
sorry for the gross error i said cargo pod a few times when it should have been Terrain Vehicle. You do not loose your cargo pods, just the TV. As far as for the first trip or two concentrate on getting the maximum number of cargo pods available or 16 that is mandatory if you want to make money and upgrade your ship. On your first trip to Islay with only one cargo pod you start with two endurium ores that leaves only space for 8 more ores which is not much, that is why do not bother with cheap minerals just go for the most expensive and get all the endurium you can find. Once you return to star port sell the minerals and buy cargo pods, this way on next trip out you will have more space for cargo letting you make more money, that is how i built up my MU's by getting 16 cargo pods and filling them to capacity, if the planet does not fill them launch from it break orbit, re-enter orbit land again and fill the cargo pods. Also lead and iron are the first minerals I usually jettison when the pods are full and I found some more expensive minerals or some repair minerals that i wish to pick up.
